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Picture puzzle of printing method have?

by:Welm     2020-07-12
Picture puzzle of printing method have? Is given priority to with pictures and a small amount of text display of the books and periodicals printing is picture album. Brochures are basically made of coated paper printing, specialty paper and the cover, inside pages of the coated paper this album, are all adopt the specialty paper printing brochures. The page will be printed according to the folding methods according to the page order together, its size by printing format and size of the printing paper. This is called a puzzle puzzle can be roughly divided into: the idea of two parts of the puzzle and books. So picture puzzle is to use what method? We put the method can be divided into the following three: a puzzle scattered, parts occupies the heavier weight in print, for example, a need to be positive and negative printing format for 16 k printing quality, can spell into positive and negative double-sided version of printing, if you want to save costs can also be Mosaic floor and cover, do not need to change the diao mouth when printed version of the single side since the turn. Second, the books of the puzzle books ( Magazines, brochures, atlas, etc. ) When, before printing puzzle, must first understand the puzzle books folios, page number, binding way ( Saddle stitch, iron wire: flat, lock line or gum) , printing chromatic number ( Monochrome, double color or four color) , the use of paper thickness and folding form ( Folding by hand or machine folding) Process factors, such as to determine the way of the puzzle. Three, puzzle mode choice is proper, can not only make the idea of binding smoothly, also can save cost, improve the quality of books and periodicals. In the printing process, the page layout is a specific rules to follow. , no matter how much the page number must be in accordance with the law will be the arrangement in the specific layout, pictorial printing can proceed. The number of folding, F) With the number of pages ( L) And the number of pages ( A) With the image ( I) Has certain regularity between, that is, the first fold formed two page 4 page number, the second fold formed four pages to eight pages. Puzzle is an important part of the picture album printing, puzzle also has many advantages, such as: improving the quality of the products, reduce errors, simplify the process and so on. Idea of the benefits of many in this link operation also need to pay attention to methods, exquisite album. Design performance: business owners need to need to communicate fully convey the information to the designer, designer Hong Kong star printing co. , LTD by their own professional skills must be clear and accurately convey the picture album design content and image characteristics. If the investment company of pictorial printing design being mistaken for p&g pictorial design, so beautiful and novel appearance packaging form, is also failed. Album there are many different kinds of printing ink, according to the different printing method, common types of ink can be divided into four categories: lithographic printing ink, letterpress printing ink, gravure printing ink, screen printing ink. Good printing ink must have high purity, high saturation, high light fastness, high transparency and good water resistance, etc. Printing ink company good or bad will directly affect the quality of the print. Ink can be imported and domestic, the quality is good and bad are intermingled, pictorial printing, can according to the different paper and pictorial design requirements to choose the appropriate ink, for example, heavy color, high purity, high saturation of ink.
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