Professional Manufacturers in Custom Packaging Boxes & Gift Boxes Product Since 2012.  |     +852-9795 0783  |  +852-9795 0783  |  +86-13826513945  |

How many people in Welm Packaging R&D department?
The number of workers in the R&D department is 20% of the total in Welm supply chain (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd.. R&D is different from most corporate actions because it does not mean generating immediate profits, but often resulting in greater risk and unclear return on investment. This is a suggestion for us. We spent years creating new products or services and enhancing existing products or services.

As a top producer of jewelry gift box, Welm is very active and outstanding in this field. Welm's blister pack packaging series contains multiple sub-products. With advanced performance-testing technology, the product performance is fully guaranteed. It will help differentiate your products from competitors. Welm is willing to strengthen cooperation with companies all over world. It offers good conformability to complex shapes and wrap-around.

our company will continue to give full play to the important role of culture in improving corporate management. Get quote!
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