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brown‐bag motif dominant at fair; picnic lunches …

by:Welm     2020-05-02
1964 this is a digital version of an article from The Times Print Archive, before it starts online in 1996.
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This brown paper bag has gone beyond the camera and become a fair accessory.
It may even exceed the official guide for the fair.
These bags are a common variety of groceries with stuffed sandwiches, fruits, cooked eggs, fresh vegetables, wax paper salt and pickles.
An informal survey of the situation of brown bags on some IRT metro carriages and Expo entrance ramps attending the World Expo shows that the number of brown bags may exceed at least three to one camera.
Take two subways.
For example, there are 12 and 7 brown bags, respectively, with a total of only 4 cameras.
On the platform of Willets Point Avenue, a quick count on a emptied subway train provides more than 50 bags and 18 cameras.
Advertising figures indicate that people attending the exhibition have solved the problem of how to avoid the inevitable long queues in sandwich counters and restaurants.
Advertising brown bags shows something else: as the school\'s proximity draws more and more New Yorkers home, the proportion of these days in the fair crowd is increasing.
This is because women from other places
Because they were on vacation, they stayed in the hotel.
They don\'t want to spend their holidays shopping and preparing food for their families like they do at home.
The brown bag is an error-free lunch container, but visitors can also bring food with women\'s straw bags, shopping bags and shoe boxes.
Pots and pots are rare.
Even Brown visitors prefer to buy coffee, milk, tea and soft drinks at the fair.
A byproduct of the addition of homemade lunches is the growth of the pleasant picnic atmosphere on the benches around the fair.
Some families, especially in the hot weather, prefer to sit on the granite around the fountain.
Brown bags and other lunch boxes also sparked a quarrel in the family group about which child should bring the bag.
Girls close to their teens seem to think the job belittled them.
The younger brother is equally dissatisfied.
But since lunch is usually swallowed very early, the argument, though sporadic and sometimes loud, does not last long.
The usual solution is to put the burden on parents.
A version of the file was printed on page 56 of the New York edition on September 6, 1964, with the title: The dominant brown bag theme at the fair;
Picnic lunch is far more than a camera.
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